I was recently introduced to a concept about tithing. You can tithe or you can have money taken from you, it’s your choice.
All money that you have and will ever get is given to you by God. There is not one penny that you “earn” that is not directly because God allows you to earn it.
All money is God’s. He allows us to use money to support ourselves and provide for our needs.
With this money that he gives us, he takes ten percent back.
Notice I didn’t say that he asks for ten percent back. He does ask for a 10 percent tithe, but there is something deeper at work here.
Out of all that money you “earn,” 90 percent is for you to use (we’ll pretend there are no taxes for a moment).
Here are your options. You can
- Tithe ten percent of your money (give the money back to God willingly) or
- He can force you to get rid of your money other ways.
The idea here is that no matter what you think, that ten percent is never yours to use.
For example, you think you could save a few dollars by not tithing. You think that you could afford that car payment that you were going to be late on. Boom, you’re slapped with a 230 dollar speeding ticket. Now you can’t pay your car payment and you have to give money to a government you don’t care for.
Example two: you have a big move coming up so you need to save every penny you possibly can. You don’t tithe because that would be silly, right? Why would you give away money that you are in need of?
Boom, hail damage to the house, insurance won’t cover it, you’ve got to spend two thousand out of pocket to fix it.
Whether you give the money God asks for or not, you don’t get to use it. You have the option to use it for His kingdom or you can waste it on something that doesn’t put you closer to your goals.
I have experienced this in my own life. When I don’t give, I pay for it later anyway.
God asks us to give for our own benefit. By giving, we are able to have a part in His kingdom. To understand our role and his grace. Giving should not be a burden. Giving is a gift. We can accept it or we can throw it away and get our tires slashed on the way.
Accept his gift and give. Not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
As an aside, I’m not saying if you give you’re going to turn into a millionaire. If you give, you may end up having almost nothing your entire life. But God will sustain you.
As the Bible says, it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.