Some advice I received when I first started blogging was to write in a way that didn’t hold anything back, but also not to write journal entries. That everything I write should seek to add value to someone else’s life.
Now that I’ve been blogging every day for over 4 months, I’ve had had my fair share of days when it was so late, or I had no inspiration, or I was so tired, that I just wrote the first thing that came to mind. Sometimes it ended up being a journal entry. Something that only people interested in my life would care to read.
I’ve found though that these are okay. Because I’ve also written my fair share of blog posts that could add immense value to others. As long as my main focus for blogging is creating content that helps others, it’s okay every once in a while simply to give personal details. Bring things back to reality and keep it human.
Today, I’ve been realizing how crazily my mind sways. There are times (like today) that I could have 4 hours for my mind simply to think about ideas and the many things going on in life, and then other times, it would be as if my mind doesn’t have one thing going through it.
My mindset becomes most clear when I get in the car to drive. Sometimes when I get in the car I want to hear a podcast to stimulate my mind, sometimes I have a lot of emotions going through my mind, so I like to listen to music, sometimes my mind is swimming with so many things that I can’t do anything but think.
I think of it almost like a conversation (don’t worry, I promise I’m not schizophrenic). You know how sometimes you meet someone and the conversation just flows, you go from one thing to the next? Then other times, you can’t get past the third sentence of dialogue. It just feels awkward to say or ask anything else. This is the feeling that I have with my mind sometimes. I love the times when it’s flowing from one thing to the next, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case much of the time – especially when I sit down to write.
Through all of this though, I know that by writing even when I’m not inspired, I will push myself to get in the habit of creating even when under pressure to do so, not just when I feel like it.
I’m building skills. They might look terrible now, but the foundation has to be built before you can start building the levels on the skyscraper.
One at a time.