Something I’ve often wondered as a Christian is why people who are atheists/evolutionists have morals (I will wait now for you to assassinate me in your mind).
Hear me out; if you believe we are the product of random chance happenings, that we will eventually evolve and only the fittest will survive, why does it matter if you are a good person? Shouldn’t you do whatever benefits you most?
Why does it matter if you hurt anyone along the way? There’s no consequence after this life, and all you have is this life. If you’re not spending every second to do the best thing for you, you’re wasting it, aren’t you?
That old lady down the street has some really nice stuff, you might as well rob her and get what you can to make your life better, right?
That one might be the line. You might think “is he really serious? That’s ridiculous.” The truth is…I’m dead serious. Where do you draw your morals from if not from the Bible?
If you say “the law of the nation” it would serve you well to go back to the Nuremberg Trials to see how well this argument served the German officials on trial.
They spoke to the effect of “we were simply following orders. We broke no German laws.” To which Justice Robert Jackson responded with “That’s true, you broke no German law, but there is a higher law. The law of God, to which even rulers are subject to follow.
They were well within the German law yet they were murdering innocent people. So the law of the nation doesn’t necessarily seem to hold up.
You might say that it’s just a mutual agreement law. That you don’t harm anyone so they don’t harm you and everyone can live in peace. But that means that if you’re truly in the position to be able to overtake others, you should still take it. If there are no consequences for using others to serve your needs, why not do it?
It seems so wrong to say this, but as an atheist, I don’t see how you can believe anything but this. If you are generous as an atheist, all you’re doing is wasting what could be spent on bettering your life.
We seem to all have a moral code written within us, yet some are much more subdued or blurred than others.
Have you ever thought about the fact that having a conscience makes a lot more sense when you’re talking about a creator rather than random chance evolution?
If you’re not pulling your morals from the Bible where do you pull from? This is a real question. I want to know where you find your morals and why you have them.
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