I haven’t done enough research into Drive-In movie theaters (nor do I care enough to), but it’s fascinating for me to wonder about the kind of mind that came up with it. Quite simple in design. Allow people to stay comfortable in something they know to watch a movie. A chance for a more private environment.
It makes me wonder how many inventions of this sort there are. There are so many things (one might argue everything) that are only made possible by something before it first being made possible. This is why we see so much change in today’s world, because as new things are discovered and/or invented, it opens up a whole new list of things that can be discovered because of that thing.
As humans began to develop the ability to “breathe” underwater. Whether in submarines or in scuba gear, etc. We started to be able to learn about the fish that were too deep for us to previously observe. This then opens the door to the science behind these fish which in turn helps in the science of making things that may be based off similar designs to what we see in these fish. It comes full circle, and one discovery and invention often leads directly to the next.
In fact, if we take what Solomon said for truth (and I dare say we should), there truly is nothing new under the sun.
We are all created by one creator, and of course, there are similar designs and of course, one discovery leads to another. The exact same way our discoveries lead to other’s discoveries. God is the first one to create. He created out of nothing. We see this in the specific word choice used in Genesis. Everything after this though has simply been an arrangement of the things already created by God, including every thought.
What will be the next great concept, discovery or invention which will shock the world and change life as we know it?
Interesting thoughts!
Nice to see you’re writing and ‘thinking’ (as you put it on day one) again.