This post is part of my ongoing series of writing down my thoughts on the Bible passages I read each day. Some days I hope to have great insight that the Lord gives me, and many days, I will likely struggle through the text and not know what to write down based on what I read. My hope and prayer is that as I make this a habit, just as I did daily writing for so long, that I will improve on my ability to read and understand the passages I’m reading. Please keep in mind that many of these posts may be published late at night or with little time studying and simply be my first thoughts after reading. This is in no way a commentary that one should use to discern the Bible, but my own personal thoughts.
The Lord takes his promises/covenants very seriously. It’s not that he just makes them then changes his mind and goes in a different direction. Even when he is angry at His people, he keeps that Covenant, and it’s still alive today, it just lives on through the Gentiles that were grafted into the Jewish line.
In fact, if you want a story of how seriously he takes it, these chapters have a recap of the plagues God sent on Egypt when they mistreated his people. He punished them when they didn’t allow Him to bless his people.
If anything, it’s a reminder to me to not doubt what God can do, and especially what he has already promised to do. If we do that, we may find ourselves in a world of trouble.