I am and have always been one of the most competitive people you will meet. Which I’ve written about before. However, I’ve realized competitive takes all shapes and sizes.
There’s competitive that only cares about winning and feeling good, regardless of what you may do to others. Then there’s being competitive in that you want to have the greatest time possible.
For me, it’s a constant battle to find between these two. My natural state is to just want to win no matter what, but I’ve realized that’s not where the most joy is. The most joy comes through being a good sport. Helping people who need help. Giving grace when it should be given.
Yes. I also gain some hot from winning. But it’s a piece of the joy, not the whole thing.
The balance of being a peacemaker but being competence has been an interesting thing to balance, but Gee wiz have I realized how much I love people through it.