Accountability is an important part of our lives as humans. When we don’t have accountability, we tend to do stupid things. Thus the saying, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” When there is no one to keep you accountable, there is no telling what you may do.
This is absolutely not the purpose of why I was writing this post, but this makes me think to the many conversations that I’ve had with those who don’t believe in God. If you are an atheist and you believe in evolution, you likely believe that we as humans are getting better and better. Many believe that you simply have to look inside yourself to see greatness. Yet time and time again we see when someone is truly able to express themselves fully and have no boundaries, they become some of the evilest dictators to walk the earth.
Looking “inside” can absolutely not be the answer. When you are not accountable to anyone (i.e. how about God), humans will always take a path toward evil. If even King David in the Bible, a man after God’s own heart, would commit murder and adultury when given absolute power, you better believe that we would go down the wrong path as well.
I digress.
The above subject is much deeper than I was originally planning to write about today. I simply wanted to state some of my plans for the new year with this blog so that I could use this blog to keep me accountable. I hinted at this in my post yesterday, but I am planning to switch up some of the purposes of my blog. Instead of writing on anything and everything every day, at least for the first month of the new year, I’m going to require myself to write about something I read that day.
Reading has always been a difficulty of mine. Just making it happen. Specifically, I want to get better at being more consistent reading the Bible, but not only reading but taking it in and thinking through my thoughts. Having a blog I figured was a perfect avenue to get my thoughts out. It forces me to have thoughts instead of mindlessly just reading through something with no end in sight.
Because of this, some of my posts may start to be simply my own thoughts and takeaways from the scripture I am reading instead of thoughts in general or more thought-through theological takes on subjects. In fact, I may say some stuff that is even heretical (though I endeavor not to). I simply want a place where I can put down my thoughts, almost as a journal, but I know that if I don’t have the accountability of publishing, it will be easy to slack off and not do it.
So, that’s it. This blog will become more of a place to express my thoughts on things I am reading, whether in the bible or other literature. I am excited. I think it is more daunting than I think it is, but it will also be very rewarding. If blogging has taught me anything, it’s that the things you never thought would be rewarding can be the most rewarding of all.