“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” A cacho ese proverb you may have heard before.
There are few things that don’t fall into this category. Sure, it would have been better if you had learned to play that instrument years ago, better start now!
I had this mindset with some of my schooling for a long time. I wished I had more, yet I wasn’t willing to start where I was, so di I really mean it?
The best time to go on a hike may have been at 9am, but it’s 2pm now and sunset is at 4:30, so you better get out there before the sun sets. My girlfriend and I got an extremely late start to a hike today, leaving to go to the trailhead just before 2pm, knowing full well it was about a 4.5 mile hike and the drive was about an hour. With rain looming and sunset fast approaching we questioned if we should still do it.
But we did it, and wow what a good experience. The next time you say “I wish I had…” if it’s still in your power to do that thing, do it right away.
Stop your fomo and get out there and do it.