As we go into a season of holidays. Many in their family gatherings, some exchanging gifts. Eating more food than others see in a year, I can’t help but think of the millions, if not billions, that are in villages around the world that have never heard the gospel. People that don’t know the good news that their sins have been forgiven by Christ, who has come down to this world and suffered in their place.
We live on in our comfortable lives in America. Not even having to worry about our neighbor.
How can we stand to do this? As there are people living in Hell on earth, only to go to eternal Hell, separation from God forever, yet we idolize our own comfort. We idolize our own comfort over loving others enough to make sure they hear the good news.
How evil are we to keep to ourselves the news that saves eternally the souls of those who are lost?
I pray to the Lord to help me love those who need Him yet do not know of Him.