What if someone offered you a million dollars every day, if you read one chapter of a book every day? Would you take it?
A few of the stipulations would be that if you ever missed a day. Even one day, you would lose not only any future money, but all of the money you had gained before.
My guess is that most people would do it. You might ask some questions about how big the chapters are, but if they were normal sized chapters, my guess is most would do it. After all, they’d never have to go to work again, right? They could just read their chapter of their book and have a million dollars.
Isn’t it weird then that we’re offered much, much more than a million dollars from Jesus Christ, yet we don’t even make the time to spend time in God’s word?
Before any Christian’s get onto me, this is obviously not a direct parallel, but i happen to think the truth is even more astounding. There isn’t anything in the Bible that says if you read the Bible every day you will go to heaven, if you don’t, you won’t go to Heaven. Or even that you’ll live a happy care-free life.
However, it does talk about the fact that if you meditate on His word day and night and are careful to do what is written in it, you will be prosperous and successful. Maybe not the prosperous and successful that we think of, but still.
What’s crazy to me is that most Christian’s can’t even bring themselves to read this book that offers eternal life to all who believe it, but most would be willing to do it if it gave them a million dollars every day.
Where are our priorities as Christians? I ask myself this same question. God has freely given us life. We don’t even have to earn it by reading His word every day (His word is a gift, not a burden anyway), yet we don’t appreciate that gift that was given to us.
Let us abide in Christ’s love by being in the word that He has given us!