Often it’s when you’re running fastest when you trip the hardest.
Today I lost my second-biggest customer. My company has had unprecedented growth the last year, and COVID has yielded even more growth. We’ve hired 14 people since I started a year and a half ago. Our entire company size is less than 30. We’ve practically doubled in size.
We’ve been going full speed ahead and starting to focus on the stuff that really matters. It’s felt good. We’ve been working extremely well as a team and the remote life seems to actually only be improving our productivity.
But today, after months of fighting for a customer and seeking to show them the value that we create, they ended up making the decision to move to another vendor after a big switch they’re making.
It feels good that we tried everything we had to win it, but it feels bad that we lost. I’m certainly glad not to have lost it having never fought for it though.
It’s a tough day, but my co-worker said it best. You win some you lose some. You can’t win them all, and we’ll keep fighting to get the wins we can. There’s nothing else to it.