If you blogged about something, what would it be? Would you write about something specific? Would it be about the experiences you have? Would it be about random things that happen in your life?
When I tell people that I blog, they often ask what I blog about…it is the natural next question. I think many people assume that if someone blogs they just blog like any tween girls would – about the drama and craziness of her life.
Sometimes I myself wonder what I write about. When I started the blog, it was on the things I was learning. Sales, business world, job hunting, podcasting, etc. Now, I still have some of that, but I have a lot more posts now that talk about normal ordinary life. What happened in my day, stories from my adventures.
I don’t know what’s more fun for people to read through. Experiences I’ve had or the things I’m learning about. If it’s a normal person who doesn’t know me, I could see them getting more out of a blog that talks about things learned because they’re easily applied, but I could also see where, if I were a good writer, some people would enjoy just the simple stories about my life. What things happen in the life of a 23-year-old male living in a fast-growing city in America.
It’s weird that now when I hear someone is a writer I feel like I have something in common with them. I’m certainly not a great writer, but now I can (and have) done it consistently for almost two years. It doesn’t scare me at all anymore. It’s just a part of my day.
To dive into the world of writing is an interesting world, but my how rewarding it has been.