Sometimes I get a big overwhelmed feeling like, “Wow, how am I so blessed?”
This may cause guilt for some people. Knowing that there are billions around the world who don’t have half of what you have. I don’t feel that (most of the time). I do however take it for granted more than I should.
Today felt like the perfect display of those blessings. I started the day out around 5 with quiet time and time with God. This has become a necessity in my life. If I don’t make time for it, specifically in the mornings, the rest of my day suffers. Giving the first fruits of my day to God helps center me for the rest of the day on what’s important. Next, I went to a daily prayer with people who live all around me in my apartment complex who all have a similar heart for God and wanting others to see Him.
3 of my partners in prayer and myself then went on our usual 3ish mile run for the morning (we call ourself the run club), and God sustained my legs, even through the pain of still not being in great shape.
I then had work that God has so graciously blessed me with, and not only that, but work that I enjoy, and am not too bad at. Today alone, uncovering with one of my co-workers a huge deal with one of our biggest customers.
After work, I scrolled through my missed texts and had texts waiting for me. one from my girlfriend and one from my mom.
Had one-on-one time with the leader of the Goer Missional Community (GMC, the program that I started about a month ago). Immediately afterward being invited into the home of 4 Indian international students that wanted to make tea for us (insanely delicious).
I then skedaddled out of there (In case anyone’s worried, I did wear masks in both of these encounters with other humans) and played some basketball with friends. No one got seriously injured, and we played three hard games.
On the way to basketball, I was able to call my parents and talk to them and one of my sisters, and that was such a sweet, albeit short time.
I came back home while listening through the book of 1 John in the car, and arrived to my apartment with my two roommates playing Smash Bros. I join them for three games, and am feeling the effects of the day.
An overwhelming sense of blessing…and also tiredness, but I’m so blessed, it’s hard to notice the fatigue.
God is so, so good. I realize that billions of people had an insanely rough day today. People in the states, people in sub-Saharan Africa. People with a billion dollars, people with less than a dollar. Everyone has challenges, and I’m not without any, but today I feel I am able to fully appreciate all the good things God has done in my life, and I pray that regardless of circumstances, I would continue shouting and singing praises to my Savior, my King.
“God is so good, God is so good. God is so good, he’s so good to me.”