While leading up to my move into an apartment complex this weekend, I’ve been amazed at the things I’ve had to learn. It’s much different than any of my living experiences before and feels much more official.
I had a thought as I felt like a complete noob going into some things: What if there was a TV show or something that had experts in one field do something they weren’t trained to do. Forcing someone who’s been in the Navy Seals for 15 years to have a music sing-off—or forcing a top mathematician to kayak a river–or forcing a musician to cook a gourmet meal, etc.
I’m sure there are some better examples, and as I think about it, it’s kind of the same idea as Dancing with the Stars. Have professionals do something they weren’t trained for and let all the world watch them.
I think of this because there are so many activities in this world. And as I (and probably someone else before me) have said before, there’s always someone better than you at something. No one is the best at everything, and the more you focus on one thing, the more likely you are to be bad at another thing.
That was probably one of the greatest awakenings in life. There is someone is better than me at _______. I think when I had that realization, I finally grew up.
It was tough to face that, but once I accepted that fact, it took a burden off.
Quite humbling. But life moved on anyway.
Thanks for your insight/reminder.