Blogging over the last year and a half has had its ups and downs. For the most part, it’s just a part of my daily routine now. Similar to brushing teeth. 90% of the time I write in the evening before I go to bed. Occasionally, I’ll write after work if I know I’m going to have a late night and don’t want to have to blog after that (if I think far enough ahead).
I’ve mentioned before in other blogs about the content of my writing. That sometimes I feel like I’ve actually put something good out there. Something that I want the rest of the world to see and learn from. Unfortunately, that’s generally less than 5-10% of the time. The other writing in between are the musings of my mind that sometimes are interesting or useful but most of the time useless.
Not useless for me, but useless for those who are reading it.
Because I’ve written every day for so long, that comes with many days that do not come as expected. Days I thought I was going to be back to the house earlier than I thought or days I never see my laptop, etc. Lots of twists and turns, yet I’ve been able to write every single day through it all.
Some days, however, when I’ve come from a long string of activities and outdoor adventures, my writing is laughable, at best. My post from last night (that I’ve since edited) was probably the worst post that I have ever written. You legitimately wouldn’t have been able to tell what on earth I was talking about. There were a bunch of sentences repeated and words in the wrong spot and no cohesive line of thought.
In all honesty, I was half asleep writing it and don’t remember writing most of it. I went back today to read it and see what I said and couldn’t help but laugh. It made absolutely no sense and I couldn’t even figure out what I was saying, let alone someone who had no context.
I’ve grown to love writing. A place for me to put my thoughts at the end of the day and express any feelings that I’ve had. Sometimes it can be a chore, but I genuinely enjoy it most times. I’m afraid because of that, there’s going to be some posts sometimes that are going to bring my pride levels down.
I haven’t recommended it enough recently, but if you need something to do, or are wanting to try a new hobby, I can’t encourage and recommend enough doing a 30 blogging challenge. Write every day for 30 days and see what happens. I can all but guarantee you that you won’t regret it.