There are different levels of anticipation. There’s an anticipation that makes you feel sick inside – dreading when the thing you are anticipating is going to come. For example, a big test or audition. It’s not that you don’t wish for it to come (necessarily) but when it is actually closer, your mind and body freak out.
There’s another anticipation that’s more anticipation of surprise. Where you don’t know whether to be excited or nervous. You’re both at the same time. You’re anticipating what you can’t anticipate.
There are probably many more kinds of anticipation, but maybe my favorite, the anticipation of doing something with a person you love. Knocking that if you get through a few more hours of whatever you’re doing you’ll be able to experience that time.
I had this quite a bit growing up. When I knew friends were going to come over or I was going to be able to go spend the night with friends somewhere. Now, with things like my girlfriend coming to visit me in a different state.
It’s exciting to have things to be excited about, and the anticipation factor is a great piece of it.