There aren’t a lot of people out there who don’t enjoy a good story.
Stories are somehow ingrained into the human mind as something we enjoy. Whether that be in the form aof a movie or tv show, a book, someone storytelling, etc. I’ve always really admired people who could tell stories really well. I had even more respect for people who could tell stories well and the stories were things they themselves experienced.
I think that’s one of the most powerful things about the Bible. It was written by eyewitnesses to the things that are talked about. There is a special connection that comes with that.
I’ve often been jealous of these people who seemed to be able to tell stories of their life for hours. I wondered how they could have so much life to tell stories from. I’ve realized as each year goes by though, that I gain stories from my life whether I wanted them or not. Some more interesting, some less interesting.
It’s cool to realize that God is working in and through my life to allow me to have stories to tell others and relate to others with. It’s not an empty life.
Now I just have to work on becoming a great story-teller and I’ll have the two most important ingredients.
We all have a story to tell. How are you gonna tell the world about it?