15 years ago, when my family went on our yearly vacation, no one was asking the question “Does where we’re going have Wifi?” There wasn’t a need for it then.
It’s mentally hard for me to think about what on earth we did on these vacations. And that’s not because my whole family is now glued to our phones, but it’s odd to think about what filled up the spare time, especially for myself, who was never an avid book reader.
More family time? Maybe more movies? More conversations?
I honestly can’t quite remember how these vacations were different, but I know they had to be because with no WiFi, so many things don’t happen anymore.
It’s crazy to think how much the world has changed since the year 2000. Even looking at much of what’s going on today and this week even with the social media on the protests and leftover COVID-19. What a different world we live in, and it happened in such a short time that no one blinked.
My biggest question through all of it, because I’m not the person who says “technology is evil, never use it,” is who has it most effected for the worse? What kind of person would the dramatic shift to technology hurt the most? Is it the older generation? Is it the young generation growing up in it? Is it starving countries around the world? Is it the rich people who have lost all privacy?
Who has the shift to technology in the last 20 years hurt the most?