There are many simple things in life that we don’t think about and how much they change everything we do. I’ve talked about it before, but even the little things like, what if there weren’t such a thing as temperature? If year-round, everywhere around the world it was 70 degrees?
I’m not talking about just the temperature outside. I’m saying there isn’t another temperature because temperatures don’t exist. No fire because “hot” doesn’t exist. No refrigerator because obviously, no “cold.”
Of course in our minds, this seems silly. The very fabric of many jobs is dependant upon the change in temperature. The food industry alone would be something completely different if it weren’t for varying temperatures.
Of course this is all hypothetical and I’m not using this as a “you shouldn’t complain about the weather because at least we have temperatures” but it is an interesting thought about how much worse off we would be if there weren’t such a thing as temperatures.
There is so much that we don’t think about on a daily basis. So many things that God blesses us with and we continue to live our lives in humble oblivion. What an incredible God who allows us to live (at most times) in so much peace that we don’t have to question at every moment why things work.
Maybe, for a split second, it could cause you even to be grateful for…110 degree days…hard to imagine, but maybe it’s possible. Leave that up to you.