As I continue to hear more and more about this virus sweeping across the world, I wonder what it will look like in 30 years? Not the world, as I don’t expect there to be widespread consequences, at least medically.
Instead, I wonder about what the records will look like. In 1916, 1940, and 1944, the Olympics were canceled due to the outbreak of the world wars. Nothing has taken the world like this before.
My dad and mom are visiting from out of town this week, and my dad told me that he has never seen anything like this in his lifetime. The closest thing I can think to something like this happening before in the last 150 years would be the world wars.
This virus is taking down everything from big festivals to church services. Entire sporting seasons are being canceled due to the virus. Some of these things may not even have happened during times of war.
Who knows how long it may last? It seems impossible that life could continue on as it is with all the restrictions for more than a month or two, but what if another virus broke out at the same time?
As I walked outside yesterday, my first thought was “what a weird time to be alive.” What will 2020 look like in the history books? Will it be seen as a crazy year that had massive effects on the world as they see it, or will it be just another year that blends in with the rest?
In terms of those who actually die because of this virus, it seems unlikely that the number will be that much higher than the usual annual death toll each year causes, but perhaps the toll it is taking on the economy will have a lasting effect on the world.
My last thought is, will this encourage more and more, people to move in a “Ready Player One” direction? It’s clear to me that virtual reality is going to be the future of our society. Maybe not to the extreme the movie takes it, but with things like this virus happening, it seems likely that this will propel people even faster into a fake reality where they feel “safer.”