I distinctly remember the phrase from a man who knocked on my parent’s door, probably upwards of 18 years ago.
“Time flies when you’re having fun and it’s fun times when you’re having fly’s.”
I have no idea who the man was who knocked on the door. For all I know it could be my dad’s best friend or a complete stranger. I don’t remember anything about the day, or really anything going on in my life at that time, but I remember the phrase as if it was just spoken to me.
It amazes me what the brain holds on to and what it chooses to forget. I didn’t ask my brain to hold onto this phrase, but here we are.
I have other vague yet eerily clear memories in my mind as well. Things like sitting in the back right seat of my parent’s old suburban outside a building in Tennesee.
Things that don’t allow you to see a whole picture but it gives you a glimpse.
It’s crazy to think about what these memories might look like in 50 years. When instead of them being 20-year-old memories they’re 70-year memories. Will I still have them then? They feel like the kind of memories that may never go away. They’re so unclear, they don’t really seem like memories as much as they do thoughts. Almost like a dream.
What we think we do each day is so important – and it is. Every second of our lives is given to us by God and we can use it for our purposes or for his, but when you look back on even a year of your life, you probably can’t remember what you did for over half of the days the year before. There is so much that will be left behind us.
What if we made sure that even the things that don’t stick with us we still know had a lasting impact on the kingdom of God? Things don’t need to stick with you, maybe they just need to stick with someone else. Think on things above, and speak the truth in love.