In the last several years, the NFL has greatly cracked down on blows to the head. Trying to limit the serious concussions that happen during games. I’m sure people are on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to an opinion about this, but tonight, I thought of what seems like a hypocritical contrast to this.
One of my friends had invited me and some of my other friends over for a pizza/game night to watch the UFC championships.
I’ve never enjoyed this sport so I’ve never even watched a whole round or 5 rounds of a championship fight. But I was astonished that basically the biggest goal is to knock the person out. If you do that, then you win that round. So the job here is essentially to give a concussion…the very thing they’re trying to prevent in one sport is the goal of the other.
Much more knowledgeable people could probably speak on the details and why it’s not as bad, but it was a bit crazy to me.
What a crazy world we live in where we basically have modern-day gladiators, whose job is to entertain by fighting.
We think we’re far off from the people who did these things back over 2,000 years ago, yet when sports like UFC continue, how is it really that much different?