I often find when I’m talking to people who are turned off by Christianity, they have a quite skewed view of what Christianity really is. Why is that?
The short answer is that people suck. Plain and simple. When people say they have a problem with Christianity, I’ll often ask what part of it they have a problem with. The answer is usually something along the lines of “judgemental” or “too many rules” or “hypocritical.” But are those really traits of Christianity?
I’ll preface what I say with the full understanding that there are obviously those who completely disagree with Christianity and the ins and outs of it. People who are opposed to the entirety of the gospel. I’m not saying those people don’t exist, I’m simply saying that it seems many of the people I often talk to seem to fall more into the camp of people who have problems with the Christians they’ve interacted with, not with Christianity in its true form.
Christians are flawed, just like everyone else. And also, unfortunately, some people who claim to be Christians aren’t. Because of these two things, sometimes Christians or “Christians” really turn people off from the gospel of Christ.
Sometimes Christians are judgemental, sometimes they are hypocritical, but that’s not what defines the religion, that’s what that person may struggle with.
The difference between Christianity and so many other religions is that it’s not a religion based on how much you can do or a competition to see who can do the most “good” things. Christianity is quite the opposite. It’s the realization that there is nothing that we can do to earn our way to Heaven. We can never do enough good to outweigh our bad. We’re doomed.
But that’s where Jesus came in and took that sin from us so that when we get to Heaven, it’s no longer about what bad things we did on earth, it’s about Who we knew while on this earth. Did we know and serve God on this earth?
Christianity is the love of God poured out through Jesus Christ, his son, who died on the cross for our sins and rose again three days later so that we could live eternally with him. You’re invited if you simply accept and surrender your life to Him.
Is that what you have a problem with? Or is your problem with the people that make up Christianity?