In Matthew 7, there’s a passage that talks about being careful of false prophets. That these false prophets will come in and look like normal people but they will secretly be wolves who are trying to cause harm to the flock.
Since it says to beware of them, it gives instructions as to how to tell who they are. “By their fruits you will recognize them.”
There are many that claim to be part of the flock, people who say they are Christian, but inwardly, they are only there to tear the people of the church apart. It’s important I think to distinguish between lost sheep and wolves. There are also some who simply are misguided. People who for one reason or another are no longer following the shepherd. Maybe they got off because they were distracted, maybe it’s because they chased after something else. Who knows.
These are less people to beware of and more people to look after. Like Jesus left the 99 to find the 1, we should be willing to do the same.
The wolves though are people who aren’t just lost, they’re there to cause havoc. They’re going to look different. But what does it mean by fruits? The Bible also talks about how it’s not works that get you to Heaven, so why does it seem the fruits are such a big deal?
In fact, in the very same passage just after this, it talks about how people are going to come to God on judgment day and say that they did all these things for him yet he’s going to turn them away saying He never knew them.
So how do we balance fruits while knowing it’s not the works that get us to Heaven? I heard someone say something along the lines of: We aren’t saved because we do works, but because we are saved, we do works. Because we understand the miraculous power that Christ has had on our life we can’t help but do what he has commanded.
Also in the same passage as above it talks about two men who build houses. One on the sand, one on the rock. The story, known by most, is that when the storm came it destroyed the man with the house built on the sand but the house the man built on the rock stood up! This reminds me how important those initial roots are. To find ourselves completely in him. Loving him so that we can’t help but show His love to others.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” – John 13:34-35
This is yet another way to see their fruits. Love is the root of the Christian religion. If you don’t love those around you, it seems pretty apparent that you won’t be bearing fruits.
Bear fruit, not so that you can be saved but because you are saved, go and bear fruit.
Preach on brotha