I was asked a couple of months ago how I have so much content to write about to write every day. I told the truth in that some days it was harder than others. I could usually think of something to write, but some days you’re out till 3 in the morning and the last thing you want to do is sit down to write. Then, even when you do, you’re half falling asleep. You go back and look at it the next day and wonder what language you were writing in.
The content I write about has shifted from when I first started. When I first started writing every day I tried to have content that was specifically geared toward creating value for others. Having specific calls to action so that people could have something to do with what I wrote. Over time, it’s morphed into whatever the heck I can think of at the time. It’s a much more diary-like blog.
I always promised myself it wouldn’t turn into that, but I’ve found that that’s about all you can do depending on what’s going on in your life. The past two days I’ve been at work for 12+ hours and haven’t really had time for much else. When that’s the case, my brain can’t think about much else besides work. When I sit down to write and think “how can I create value for others?” I come up stumped because all that goes through my mind is all the work I’ve been doing and still have to do.
Other times, especially when I have some free time to listen to podcasts or read or work on projects, I feel like I can much more easily create content that has at least some value besides information about my life.
For instance, tonight, as I sit down to write, I’ve been working for 90% of the day so there’s not much outside of that that I can think about to write at the moment.
However, if you pay more attention and look out for things to write about, which I did a lot the first couple of months I started writing, you start to be a bit better prepared for writing for value. You can be thinking about it throughout the day so that you can better craft it in an understandable way.
They say content is king. My content may not always be king, but it’s content, and if out of the almost 500 blog posts I’ve written only 1% help people or allow someone to learn something, that’s still a success in my mind.