Every once in a while, I think of random stuff that might totally shake the foundation of society. Little changes that would have massive effects on the entire world.
Examples being things like “what if everywhere in the world it was constantly drizzling? Never raining hard but always in a constant sort of ‘misting’” or “what if the temperature everywhere around the world was always 70 degrees? No matter what, the temperature outside was 70 degrees?”
These seemingly small, in some ways, changes would totally wreck the society we live in. There are places in the world where there almost is always a constant misting. There are places where the temperature barely fluctuates the entire year. But what if that was the entire world and there were no exceptions?
It causes you to start thinking about what would happen if that were the case. There are so many things it would affect. Everything from fashion to the sports industry to plant life…to almost everything. So many things would change if that was the environment we lived in.
Today I saw the picture below that represented what the world would look like if all the land were water and water land. What an entirely different world it would be. The entire land world would connect except for some very small islands. What kind of countries would there be? Would there be more unity? Would there be less?
These are questions that, in reality, don’t matter at all because the concept will never happen, yet I still find myself fascinated by the many what if’s of the world.