I was reminiscing tonight about the weirdness of life and the coming and goings of relationships. It’s crazy to me that you can invest literally years of your life into some friendships and that they may completely gone in ten years. You may almost never think of them again after a couple of years of separation.
Some people you can stay connected to and want to stay connected to, but others for some reason don’t seem to maintain the same level of connection and chemistry. Not bad or wrong, just different seasons of life.
It really does seem like everyone’s their own ship and at times you sail with others and at times you separate. You may always remember the adventures that were had but you may not keep in touch with those you went on the adventures with.
Others you may sail for the rest of your days with and have adventure after adventure. Some may be in stormy seas, some may be in calm. You remember the people in many different situations and experiences of life.
It seems a good thing not to think about the end of a relationship while in it. Be in the moment and fully invest. There may be a time in that friendship that you separate ways, but until then, act like it’s a lifelong adventure.
Life’s a ship…relation it.