I played a lot of sports growing up. Not on a team, but backyard games. For awhile it would be football season so I was into that, then it was basketball season so I was shooting baskets all the time, then soccer would come around and I couldn’t stop dribbling the ball between my feet back and forth on our small yard.
When people would ask me what my favorite sport was, it was hard for me to decide. I always had a special place in my heart for football, but at times during other sports seasons, I would rather play them than any other sports. When it was in the heart of soccer season I couldn’t stop playing it and I loved every second of it.
As a kid, I often loved whatever I was doing at the time. I was fully invested in it. It’s easy as an adult for this to switch and start disliking everything you do until you look back on it. Thankfully I’ve almost always enjoyed every season I’ve been in. Some have been a bigger struggle than others, but almost all of them I’ve enjoyed in their time.
As I look back on most of them I think of them fondly for the time they were but would never want to go back and live in them. I’m happy with what happened but I’m not in a different place from when I went after those opportunities.
Today I was reminded of a previous time in life. I toured the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Wichita Kansas. It was about an hour and a half tour, but it took me right back into the heart of when I was heavily into architecture and designed my own plans. I played a Frank Lloyd Wright game on the computer a lot and the game simply consisted of building plot plans for client needs.
There’s a part of me that loves the creation aspect of putting something on paper (or now computer software) that comes to life in the form of a house or building. It excites me so much and today that was awakened once again just by seeing and hearing the story of this house that was built by one of the greatest architects in history.
I had almost forgotten, and now I remember my love for it. What a crazy thing the mind does with concealing and ability to like so many things.