There are many different personality types. Some more outgoing, some more reserved, some more dependant on others, some more independent, some leaders, some followers. There are many personality type tests out there that seek to help people understand other people and learn how to better interact/love them.
I’ve found though that with most things, people are seeking after the same thing, they just seek after it in different ways.
Principally, people are seeking joy and contentment. People want to have a feeling of satisfaction. That what they’re doing is what they’re supposed to be doing. This could easily get into a much longer discussion about where this stems from. I believe it is our longing for Christ. A desire to see and know him. The joy and contentment is something that can only be attained through Him.
But if we take it down to smaller levels, it seems to me that the deeper you get to know others, we all have similar goals behind what we do, the actions just look vastly different.
Most recently was the thought of adventure. Now, maybe more than ever, it seems there are a tremendous amount of people who want to travel, including myself. The longing for adventure and find new things. But, as with anything, there are also some, maybe many, who don’t desire this. People who are perfectly content in their home town. They don’t have a huge desire to see the world. If they think they can be useful where they are, what’s the point in leaving?
What do these people have in common? I’m sure you could find numerous things, but specifically, how are they similar in the adventurous spirit category?
On the surface, these seem like polar opposites. It seems one has a huge adventurous spirit while the other has close to none. But is that true? Does the adventurous spirit manifest itself in other ways in the guy who’s lived in his hometown his whole life?
I don’t know the answer. The answer may be no. He simply doesn’t have an adventurous spirit. But then the more interesting question becomes, what drives the adventurous spirit? There’s something that drives so many people to want to explore the world, does whatever it is that drives that in the adventurous people drive something else in the same town people?
If you continue boiling these “symptoms” down, I think you’ll find eventually, everyone has the same wants and needs. These wants and needs can only be fulfilled by Christ.
What are the outside personalities that you have that root to something deeper?