The feeling of loneliness is something that plagues many. It’s a feeling that is more powerful than just the act of being with others. Some might say they feel most alone in a group of people. When they are surrounded by others they get an overwhelming feeling of not belonging.
People will seek almost anything to get rid of the feeling of loneliness. Some try to satisfy it with companionship, some seek after it by applying themselves to become the best at something, some seek the affirmation and approval of others. Some hit rock bottom, can’t shake the feeling of loneliness and resort to drugs and alcohol to numb the feeling.
People desire so much to get rid of this feeling that the feeling of acceptance can come from almost anyone, and they will embrace it.
You see a great example of this in gangs around the world. When people feel accepted and feel like they are able to unite with others about something. That something can range from helping others even to murdering others. Many may be initially opposed to something but if they feel enough acceptance in doing it they can be convinced to do almost anything.
Even religions can have aspects of this. Once you do “A” you can join this higher level of community. A division based on works. Since people are willing to do almost anything to get rid of the feeling they can be convinced to do the unthinkable.
If people can unite over hating black people (see the Ku Klux Klan), then they can unite over anything. Many who were a part of this movement united over something that they had in common. Even those who may have been on the fence felt a community of people who shared similar values as them and accepted them.
We look back on this now and understand the evil. That they united over hatred.
Uniting with others is not always a good thing. We must be vigilant in understanding what the things are that we stand for. Some people have nowhere else to turn so they will look to whoever offers the belonging first.
The feeling of loneliness can only ever be fully satisfied by something that comes not from humans or anything in this world. Without God you will always fall back to a feeling of loneliness. You may be able to temporarily suppress it, but it will always come back to bite you.