This is Part 24 of a weekly series on my growth and development at a software startup in Austin Texas. Click here to view the full series or start at Level 1.
Demo Alternative
Level Twenty Four Stats
Weapons gained:
- Connections + 10: Built some new connections with prospects this week and quickly connected with several of them. I also met with one of our largest clients in person and that was one of the best meetings I’ve ever had. Lastly, outside of work, while I was in South Carolina, I connected with new friends faster than maybe ever before. It’s been a whirlwind of new people but I’ve loved it!
- Ability + 2: This week I would say leveled out a bit in the ability increase. I got the swing of remote work and now am back in the office. Though meeting customers in person is a different skillset and something that is taking extra ability to learn
- Knowledge + 4: Meeting with my clients in person really helped me to get to the root of some problems my clients deal with. Hearing first hand their pain points and brainstorming how to help solve those.
- Discipline + 4: This has already been better being back in the office. Still not as good as before I left on my trip but it will get back there and this week was already a good step back in that direction.
- Organization + 8: This actually has been going really well. I’ve been planning meetings better throughout my days. I still need to get better about organizing my project work, but otherwise, this is going really well.
- Strength + 2: I’m going to give myself a positive number simply because I did something. Not a lot, but I’m moving back in this direction.
Kills: Huge in-person meeting with one of our largest customers.
Deaths: Being out of the office all day Friday for the in-person meeting is going to bite me in the butt Monday when I have to do two days worth of work.
Outside the Game
South Carolina was fantastic. One of my favorite places, meeting and spending time with some of my favorite people. I’m happy to be back in my home of Austin, and have started getting connected again really quickly, but I do feel like part of my heart is still left in Charleston. It was really just a great city.
Final Takeaways
I HAVE to crank down to get into my routines and organizational prowess back up. I’ve been a bit sick the last 4 days or so, but as I get healthier, it’s time to sacrifice what I need to accomplish what’s more important.