Remote work, just like homeschooling, requires people who are self-motivated or who can teach themselves to be. Without any self-motivation, even with strict guidelines, it will be almost impossible to continue working in a job where you are working completely remote.
On the other hand, it also requires a great amount of communication from the people who are working with or teaching this person. The self-motivation has to be there, but there has to be good direction for the person. Freedom to pursue the things they’re best at is a huge plus in this. You can really encourage people to do things they love and thrive at. However, if you don’t give any direction, even a self-motivated worker/homeschooler will suffer. I should say will probably suffer. There are always a few of those who thrive on complete freedom and creativity.
If those working with this person can figure out exactly what drives this person, what kind of motivation they need, how much direction they need, how much freedom they desire, what environment they work best in, etc. then you can create a powerhouse of an employee/homeschooler.
No one is the same. As I just mentioned, some people are so incredibly creative and go-getters that the best thing you can do for them is completely set them free to explore the best options for them and, if applicable, the rest of the company.
Some people need a lot more direction. The kind of people that if you tell them do A, B, & C to accomplish X, they will demolish the task. They will wipe it out faster than humanly possible.
Most people are somewhere in the middle.
If you can find where your students/employees are on this scale and craft your teaching/managing for this person around that, there’s no telling how fast and how well these students and employees will do.
Everyone learns and works a little differently. People are starting to realize that, but not much is being done about it. Do something about it and watch as you start helping people come alive.