Last night, my roommates and I had some friends over for dinner. One of the friends was my roommate’s new co-worker.
His co-worker just moved from Lebanon because the branch of the company closed down there. Many long stories led to the conclusion, but basically because he had a passport from having been born in the US, he was able to get priority over the other people in the office to transfer over to the headquarters for his company here in Austin.
The conversations at the table ranged wildly, but this man ended up being the one on the receiving end of a boat-load of questions from everyone. His English was very good, and I could tell he had a lot of street smarts. The things he said and picked up on were powerful, and knowing that this wasn’t even his first language tells me that he’s a very persuasive and enjoyable personality.
A topic that came up consistently was the differences between America and Lebanon. What he loved about growing up in Lebanon and what he loves about America. He and one of my roommates who was raised in Taiwan, said that one of the strangest things for them in coming to the states was that there was so much ungratefulness there was. Just an overall pettiness over the smallest things.
It’s funny when we joke about “1st world problems,” but in reality, how ungrateful are we really for all the many blessings we have?
Let’s be grateful for the privileged life we have here in America. Savor it, because you never know where God’ going to call you next