“The master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.” ~ Luke 16:8
In this passage in Luke, Jesus gives the parable that is known as the parable of the dishonest manager. Long story short, he uses his influence so that even after he is “let go,” he is able to collect money from his master’s debtors.
So often, I look at the way the world pursues dreams and ambitions to change the world and am annoyed that the world in most ways pursues and works harder for their dreams than most Christians.
If we as Christians know the truth. We know the way to a content and joy-filled life with Christ, why are we not better at spreading that message? Why are we not more persuasive?
Sure, there are “Christians” and “churches” all around the world, so you might think that it has been spread well, but the truth of the gospel is certainly not in every church, and it’s even further from being in every person in these churches.
And when it comes to understanding and being able to explain our faith, we are even worse.
Those who pursue the things of the world often I find work harder and are much more productive in their search. Their search leading to worldly wealth.
What we if we took that same kind of desire and drive that we see the influencers of this generation have and used it to proclaim the gospel? What if every so-called “Christian” believed so strongly in what they said they believed that they actually shared it with everyone they could?
This is maybe one of the most hypocritical things I see in the church, and something I saw in myself for many years. If we truly have and know the way to salvation for eternity, why are so many Christians quiet about it? Do they not actually believe it? Or do they not love others like they say they do?
Because if you truly believe it, you shouldn’t be able to help but share it with others because you know the life that comes from it.
What if Christians pursued Christ the way that the world pursues money, fame, sex, success, and freedom. The world would be a different place.
“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.” ~ John Wesley