*Insert name* invited you to like their Facebook photography page.
One of my least favorite things to see.
I was listening to a podcast between Tim Ferriss and Seth Godin and they said if you’re blocked in writing, they’ll write about something that makes them angry. So, since I was blocked, this is what came.
This is a step below angry. It doesn’t make me angry, but it does frustrate me. Not even sure why.
When I get an unsolicited invite to like a page, I am always uninclined to do so.
It’s such an impersonal way of getting a favor. No risk.
When there’s no risk, why should there be a reward?
I’ll say this, I understand to some extent if it’s a friend — a close friend. But otherwise, it’s just an ask with nothing given back.
…In hindsight, after looking back at what I’ve written here, it seems completely ridiculous. Why should I mind people asking me to like their page? I can see everything I need to on the page to know whether it’s something I want to support or not and can make an informed decision on whether to like it or not.
The ball is still completely in my court. Nothing is forcing me to like the page.
This may be one of the most schizophrenic posts I’ve written. Please enjoy this jumble of thoughts and meaningless conclusions.