Moths fly to the light. A pretty well-known fact, especially if you’re in the light at dark…surrounded by a thousand moths.
Humans are the same way. We might hide it better, but the light always gets us. You drive by a cop on the side of the road with his lights on having pulled someone over, what do you do? Slow down and look at what’s going on.
You see lightning in the distance, you look at where it was. A shooting star? Following that thing as long as you can. Someone turns on a flashlight in a dark room? Well, duh. You look at where the light is so you can see.
Today I experienced this at my booth for a conference I am at for work. We have a bunch of swag that we put out on the front of our table, but the biggest attracter is we have white fidget spinners that have lights in the tips of them. We turn the lights on and let them flash away, and I guarantee we had more people stop at our booth than the next four surrounding us combined.
I’m sure the lights weren’t the only thing, but we legitimately had people come up to us and say “okay, the lights got me so now I have to talk to you guys. What do you do?”
Easiest sell ever. Didn’t even have to pull them in awkwardly. They initiated it.
From there, we are just completely transparent with them about what our product can and can’t do. We tell them our guarantee. If we don’t find a return on the money you’re paying us in less than a year, you get your money back.
We are partners with our customers. If they don’t gain, we don’t build it. We build automation. We take care of the repetitive tasks that don’t need human interaction so that practices can focus on what we can’t. Spending time with their patients.
Don’t be afraid to be flashy in business as long as you follow it up with full transparency.