I heard some random statistics one time that I can’t seem to dig up, but the basic idea of what they said was that every 13 months, the world doubles its information. There’s twice as much knowledge every 13 months. It also showed something about how in 40 years, at the rate we’re going, information will double every hour.
These statistics feel a little made up because I can’t remember the actual numbers. But even if the numbers aren’t super accurate, the point that I want to drive home is that knowledge or information is increasing at a very high rate of speed.
There seems to be this concept as well, that with this constant stream of learning more information, we are going to start seeing people getting better and better in life.
This has been around since before internet times. That if the world just had more access to information, things would go so much better for everyone. I won’t disagree that more information and more accessibility to that information has changed the world in a lot of good ways.
But you’d be stupid to say it changed the world in only good ways. And I would argue that even though the market and technology have improved in drastic ways, quality of life has not.
And I don’t mean quality of life as in you live in a $200,000 house now instead of a $150,000. I’m thinking more emotional and even spiritual quality.
I look at things like the invention of the internet, that has solved so many problems. Yet I can’t help but think that because of the internet, rates of depression and suicide have changed forever. More information didn’t help improve peoples mental stability.
Even while the society around us grows with all of the new tech and information that is being discovered, people are still just people. With needs and wants. No matter how much worldly knowledge and information you gain, you will never make a dent in the emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.