In one month I will have no home.
I’m not sure if my next step is supposed to be to worry or to look for a solution, but I think I’m going to take a hard pass on both.
In this time of my life, the door is wide open. I could try and live in my office again in Austin, I could look for a new place here, I could move to California, South Carolina, Alaska, Guatemala. You name it.
I just came up with a plan with one of my friends in which I would be traveling for basically 2 months but still able to work the entire time and end up back in Austin when I’m done. As we talked about it, I laughed as if it were a joke. Like “yeah right, like I’d do that.”
Then I realized, “why not?” There’s nothing prohibiting me from doing exactly that. There’s not even anything about it that would be a “stupid plan.” It had great points of contact that would allow me to be in places with WiFi (for work) during the week and travel and do other things on the weekend.
This is when I realized how crazy the logistics of life can be.
I wouldn’t be surprised if three weeks from now I still have no clue what my plan is but I know I’m gonna be fine.
Roll with the punches, be content no matter where you are, invest in the people you’re with, think on things above not on things below.
Logistics shmagistics.