I’ve realized over the last month how much I love to meet new people. Something about the transition of someone going from complete stranger to known acquaintance is amazing to me.
Since I’ve realized how much I enjoy it, I’ve been trying to be more proactive in making it happen. Some people might call it “connecting,” but I’ve always hated that term. To me it makes it sound like you are only interested in getting to know people simply for the sake of having another connection for your life.
For me, I just genuinely enjoy meeting and getting to know other people. Maybe even so much that it becomes unproductive. I can go and meet ten new people and be completely happy to never talk to them again. I simply enjoyed getting to know another human who was put on this earth.
I’ve always struggled more with the 3rd and 4th times being with people. I’m a curious enough person that when I first meet people I can ask them questions pretty much indefinitely out of my curiosity alone. However, I make a lot of assessments in that first meeting and feel like I get to know people pretty quickly. Because of that, by the third or fourth time, I already feel like I know the person extremely well and I don’t know what else to talk about.
I am often the friend that starts talking about deep spiritual things very early on ina friendship because I think it’s the most important thing. I also don’t love small talk. It’s just my go-to to ask deep questions when I’m hanging around others.
I wrote this post wanting to explain how easy to just go out and meet people. Location has a lot to do with how easy this is, but you just have to be okay with being rejected. I’ve recently just going to the big park in Austin and going up and asking to join games or ask others if they want to join my games.
It’s almost always a yes, but even when it’s a no, it’s not a big deal. I just ask the next people I come across. I’m sure this situation is just dying for a sales analogy, but I’m not going to give it one. Just start conversations with people. Be genuinely curious. Practice asking questions. Even if they’re dumb ones they help you get better.
Once you can make your mind curious, you can literally go up to almost anyone you see on the street and start a meaningful conversation with them.
Be curious, ask good questions. Those are your recipe for going out your back door and meeting people.
No more excuses about how hard it is, just meet people.