There are some things in life that for whatever reason it seems like everyone is in agreeance upon.
For instance, going up and murdering a 70-year-old woman is something probably frowned upon by 99.99999% of humans on this earth. There are things that are black and white. You just know they’re wrong.
Without getting into a religious debate about morals and where they come from (which I’ve done by the way if you want to look at my uninvited opinion. Where Do Your Morals Come From? And Why I don’t Intentionally Harm Others)
However, departing from the black and white things, it’s also interesting for me to ask the question, what about everything else? The stuff that religion doesn’t talk much about? The stuff that there isn’t any science or facts that prove one way or the other?
At this point, everyone starts talking about how even though it doesn’t directly talk about it, their point of view gets down to the heart of the matter and helps you to understand what to do in all situations.
I’m not necessarily disregarding that, but at the same time, that’s a nice thing to say but I think less practical than we think.
For instance, I’ve recently even been thinking about what my views are on smoking. I think almost everyone can agree that being addicted to smoking their 2 packs of cigarettes every day is not a good thing. However, where is the line below that?
Of course, you’ll have those who will say that since it’s bad for you-you shouldn’t smoke at all. But those are probably the same people who drink 2 liters of pop every day. Yes, it is bad for you, but so are so many other things we do.
Then you probably have someone who thinks smoking a cigarette or two every day is totally okay as long as it’s not hurting anything in your life.
What’s the truth here? Is it relative? Is there an absolute right or wrong? Could there be a right or wrong but we’ll never know what it is?
When I hear someone say “relative truth,” I instantly jerk my head in annoyance. People try and make things relative all the time so that everyone can be their own God and be happy with any decision they make whether it’s actually good or not. I absolutely believe there is real truth that is not relative but foundational to who God created us to be.
But I’ve been having to come to the realization that there really are some “truths” that are relative. I put quotations around it simply because I don’t know that I can really call them truths if they aren’t one way or the other. That seems like something else besides truth to me.
There are things that even as a Christian I know are not specifically condoned or condemned, and at that point, I believe it really does become a heart issue. God convicts each of us differently. People often take too much liberty on this and think that God doesn’t give any truths to live by.
He does.
It’s when we step outside of the clearly defined things God has set forth for us that we must learn to be receptive to God’s conviction in our hearts.
While that’s specific to Christians and those who believe that God cares about their life, I think it’s still a worthy endeavor to seek after the things that are right. Yes, to live carefree, but to understand what you are okay being carefree about. Decide what you are going to allow into your life and out of your life before you do it.
If you don’t, it will become increasingly easier for parts of yourself that you don’t want to take over your life do so.
Seek to live intentionally and purposefully so that you can live carefree and joyfully.