I feel it necessary for the sake of documentation to make it known that I am currently at FEEcon 2019. A conference to challenge and connect with other young entrepreneurs and freedom seekers.
As I listened to breakout sessions and keynote sessions, I had thought after thought after thought of “bloggable content.” Things that I could totally write some sweet stuff about. I told myself to write it down so that I wouldn’t forget because I ALWAYS do. But my brain was like “nah, you couldn’t forget this great stuff.”…needless to say, it didn’t remember it.
So many good takeaways from the conference so far, but since I can’t seem to remember them at the moment, this post about what’s been most on my mind will have to do.
Technology has allowed for some of the most unique and interesting experiences known to man. I say that broadly as it could apply to things like the moon landing and to things like turning on all the lights in a 1,500 room hotel with the push of a button.
Technology has also changed the way we are able to communicate with people. 200 years ago, the idea of meeting someone from a country on the other side of the world was a rare phenomenon. Very unlikely that this would ever happen.
With the invention of phones, this became a more probable reality. With portable phones (cellphones) it became an even stronger possibility.
Now, with the connection through the internet and social media, you’re almost guaranteed to come into contact with people from around the world. You may not even realize it, but you are.
This weekend has been a weekend of seeing this technology come to life.
Since starting Praxis back in November of 2018 (7 months ago) I’ve been on a call at least once a week talking to other people in the program. We’ve mostly had conversations relating to our education and career but we’ve also had chances to get to know each other personally.
I’ve come into contact with probably 80 people through these calls. Some very brief and some to a greater degree.
This weekend, it all came to life as I met over 30 of these people in person.
These are people that I know. I’ve talked to “face-to-face.” We’ve shared many hours together. Yet I only know so much of them. I only know what they’ve been willing to reveal over a camera and over social media.
I’ve never had the experience of knowing someone only through video and meeting them in person, but it brings up great conversation starters. For instance, stuff like “WOW! You’re so much taller than I thought you were.”
We’ve only been able to know each other to a certain level but now it’s like another level is unlocked.
Once I met these people, I knew so much about them yet I didn’t know them. It was honestly one of the oddest experiences.
I’ve hit it off with some and remained normal with others – just like any other time you meet people.
It’s been a uniquely wonderful experience and I’m excited to try and keep up with the people that I can and be happy about the connections I may never see again.