When Blockbuster was a brand new service, no one was thinking about how it would go extinct in less than 30 years.
The hype and excitement was there. The new ideas for the future were there. But eventually, a new service named Netflix came in and completely demolished the hopes and dreams of a future of success. All dreams were completely gone in 2013 when the store went defunct.
Everything has an expiration date. Some last longer than others, but they all go away – or at least change enough to become unrecognizable.
When the wooden wheel was invented, people probably saw it as the height of engineering. It could never be made better. But it was. Over and over it was made better.
As I was walking through security at the airport this morning looking at all the hundreds of thousands of people going through the lines, I realized that someday, this too will pass away. There will someday be a time when someone will look at airports the way we look at Blockbuster.
A great idea for the time, but completely unnecessary now.
Who knows when this will be, but I know airports won’t last forever. Or they’ll look completely different.
The things we see as usual our kids might never see.