In an interview I had the other week I was asked two questions. The first was something along the lines of “how would you describe yourself?” Fairly easy, this kind of question is to be expected. The second question was a little harder “How would your friends describe you? Or what word would they use to describe you?”
I ended up saying something along the lines of “they would say I’m adventurous, or that I’m always down to explore and also that I’m kind to everyone.”
It was a hard question to answer. I do a lot of over-analyzation, but even with that it was a struggle to think of how other’s perception of me compared to what my perception of me was.
I’ve been thinking about what I ended up saying though. I do think I tend to be more ready for spur-of-the-moment adventure than many of my friends, but at the same time, I take tradition and moments with others very seriously.
This has caused a bit of a war within me. I lived in the same house my entire life until I was 19. I had the same friends since I was young. I didn’t like change. I always hated when someone would leave our house. I loved spending time with people. If they left, that means that I couldn’t spend time with them.
The war is this: I love changing up my pace and scenery options, moving to a place beyond where I currently am, but I hate saying goodbye to people. Not that anyone loves goodbyes, but I mean hate it.
I can think of only two times I’ve cried in the last several years, and both of them had to do with leaving the people in a location. I am such a quality time person that after I’ve left and reestablished in a new area, I’m fine. In fact, it’s very hard very me to care about the people I’m not with in person. But getting to that point is a painful ordeal every time.
This is a longer post than needed to explain my thoughts on the subject. But this is a frustrating situation. Sometimes I wish God had made me more callous so that I didn’t care so much when I left a place, but alas, he hasn’t, and here I am leaving a place taking the next step in life.
May it be what it is and may I realize that even in this, God works.
If we desire to be more like Christ, then we will care more deeply about those who touch our lives. Each person plays an important role. Cherish people and memories. Learn from them.
A saying I learned when young went like this-
‘Make new friends,
but keep the old,
one is silver,
the other gold.’
Keep your caring heart!