I did a small exercise in Praxis today and I think it’s valuable for me to put it here as well. These kinds of things are very valuable for analyzing your next steps. Even though these might be long-term goals, they directly relate to how you’ll live your day-to-day.
What’s your dream job?
My dream job is being able to share and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in third world cultures. However, I want to do this while also seeking to help the culture physically. Not by giving them hand-outs that keep them dependent, but by creating jobs and infrastructure for them to work and grow in. To understand that if I enjoy living in a nice house, people in third world cultures would too.
In a nutshell, my dream job is to develop avenues for people to teach themselves how to create a fulfilling life.
What’s one thing you can do at your apprenticeship to make it easier for you to make that dream job a reality at some point in the future?
Always learning new skills and asking questions. Understanding how business, specifically a startup, grows and functions will be imperative in helping me to understand how to create something like this in another culture.
What’s the most important thing you want to be, do, or have at the end of your apprenticeship?
I want to be able to look back on the 6 months and truly believe that I put everything I could into learning and helping the company grow as much as I could. This doesn’t mean that I don’t want to look back on any mistakes but instead that I want to see mistakes and see how I overcame and conquered them so that the company and myself are better off than we were before.
Heading into your apprenticeship, what you’re biggest fear or concern?
That I’ll only understand what I need to do my job well. I have a tendency to go into jobs and do very well in my role and not pay much attention to the things going on around me. This helps the company immensely as I am very focused on doing a good job in the role I have, but long-term is not very beneficial for myself. I want to grow as much as possible and that means putting in time when I’m not working my “9-5” to continue increasing my knowledge and skill.