Ever noticed how a kid can play with a cardboard box for three hours straight, but then at other times can’t play anything for more than 2 minutes?
When I was younger, I did a lot of babysitting and this drove me crazy. I would finally get something set up for one of the kids and they would already be on to the next thing. How could they move on so quickly?
But then I wouldn’t be paying attention for a minute and they were completely engrossed in the simplest of things.
It shouldn’t be that surprising really. We do some of the same stuff as adults. We can’t be happy doing a single job or even being at a single party for very long before we want to leave, yet we become so content and zoned in other areas that don’t really even matter that much.
We’ve matured in the things we’re doing – well, at least most of us have – but we still have the same patterns from when we were younger.
A kids attention span may not often be very long, but notice how good they are at switching up what they’re doing. When they’re committed, they’re completely committed, but when they’re in a place where a switch is okay, they won’t even bat an eye before they go after the next thing.
Long story short, be more like a kid…sometimes.