Day 11
This post is a part of a series on my three and a half week adventure road tripping to the west coast with three of my best friends in the Summer of 2018. I was challenged to write every day of the trip to document the adventure, so I did! My aim was to be as real and raw as possible while I was documenting and writing. Because of this, some days, I was honestly just not interested in writing, so I wrote very matter of fact “this is what we did.”
Check out the first part of the series here: Day 1 or check out a list of the days here: WCT2018
I wrote everything on my phone’s notes app, and below is word-for-word what I wrote each day. Nothing taken out, no elaborations.
As part of the challenge, I also made sure to take at least one picture every day, and each evening when I wrote, I picked one photo that I wanted to feature from that day. Some days it was hard to pick them, and other days I had only one to pick from.
A couple of notes: Each day that I wrote, I wrote the date, where I was writing from, and how many pictures I had taken that day. So the location doesn’t always reflect where the picture was taken.
August 1st Juniper Campground on Mt Diablo - 20 miles east of San FranciscoPictures taken: 9 Today was another driving day, but we managed to squeeze some fun into even it. Back when I was in Bend last time, there was a place near my Sister and brother-in-laws house that was just a lush green field tucked in the middle of a bunch of trees. It’s to this day one of my favorite memories in life. The simplicity of throwing a frisbee with family in a beautiful place. This was a place I knew we had to visit. It’s interesting how as you get older, memories of places and things change in your mind, and your perspective changes. The field was still beautiful, and still tucked away nicely, but it definitely looked different from what I remembered. After we tossed the disc a bit and played some Spikeball, we got on the road. We stopped here at Mt Diablo so we could get to Big Basin Redwoods State Park earlier tomorrow. We thought this was just going to be a random campground on our way, but it ended up being beautiful. This is what I imagine when I think of California. End. If you were sent here from Instagram, here's one of the 7 photos I took of the bathroom at our campsite. Please judge me. I deserve it.