One of the greatest things about life is that it’s super consistent and never throws curveballs at you. You always know what to expect and you can be confident that today will be exactly the same as tomorrow.
Or not.
To some, maybe this is their life, but for most, their life consists of many twists, turns, ups, downs, fast, slow, etc.
When life isn’t throwing much at you, you can become bored and restless, wishing for something to do, then, all of a sudden, life hits you like a brick wall and you have 1,000 things to do by…tonight! Sometimes, this is self-infliction. Procrastinating until the last minute. But sometimes, it’s just the way that life works. You can’t always plan when life is going to explode.
In the busy, you beg for the slow, and the slow, you would die for the busy. Just like the four seasons, no one can ever just be happy with what’s there in front of them.
I recently started working at a restaurant, and it seems to me that the pace of life is just like it. At times, it is almost completely dead. You have to work hard to keep yourself busy. Thankfully, there is always cleaning to be done in a restaurant. However, when that dinner rush hits, you better be ready to work until your feet fall off. You can’t help but keep busy. Working as an expo, you can’t take a minute to go to the bathroom. Every second counts, and every second that you don’t count is a minute for the customers waiting on their food.
Today, I experienced both of these things. With high hopes of getting some extra projects done, I fell flat on my face with the amount of work that I had to get done by tonight. From the minute I woke till the minute I started writing this, I was working on time-critical things. Everything was rushed. I barely had a minute to eat.
Contrast this to three days ago: I only had a 6-hour shift at work to worry about. Nothing else the entire day. I could work on extra projects as much as I wanted. It was fantastic!
When you can never be sure of what a day is going to throw at you, you have to plan ahead. You might not be able to plan for the specific disaster, but you can plan for disaster. For instance, since I am doing a blog and Instagram series right now on my travels to the west coast, and I am releasing them at the same time I took the picture 6 months ago, I decided that it would be best to schedule the posts a day ahead of time. Just in case anything happens and I’m not able to get it posted at the right time.
Even if you can’t put as much into something as you’d like, it’s always better to hold to your commitment than to not do it.
When it rains it pours, but if you always keep an umbrella with you, you’ll never get wet. Even a crappy umbrella is still an umbrella.
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